A photograph of three people in white scrubs walking away from the camera and towards a building.

Timing the Pandemic

There is never a good time for an apocalypse.
If it was a good time for an apocalypse it would be
revolution, a re-invigoration,
a rush to the sky,
an uprising, a foray
into the unknown.
It would be an grounding. A scream so loud
it splits open the earth,
puts the peices back together in a shape
we could not conceive of
a century or decade or minute ago.
It would be the end of the world as we know it
only because we have a better one ready to go,
just absent all the suffering that we have come to know.

But the problem is that when there is not an apocalypse
they say it is never a good time. Change is too scary
for those whose lives are not on the line.

Photo by Beegee49 on Foter.com / CC BY-ND

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